

编辑:admin 时间:2012-01-29 15:29:15 来源:魂狼

恢复体力:在完全结束Normal Mode游戏的到达黑色城堡时,在屏幕出现城堡的图片和闪光时按上,下,上,下,右,左,右,左,A,B,A,B,看上去像什么也没有发生,但再开始游戏就会有所发现

音乐测试(日版) : 输入密码“ KAZU ”即可进入音乐测试画面,用十字键选曲, A 键收听。

音乐测试(美版) : 输入密码“ NB50 ”即可进入音乐测试画面,用十字键选曲, A 键收听。
选关密码 :

      第一套 第二套

1 关:  4WHB

2 关:  AK5O ISEK

3 关:  2G0W HHIA


5 关:  LFB5 XJPP



8 关:  G0W4 B3WH


10 关:    GN0L


CLUX Castle [Easy Mode]
ELIF Castle [Normal Mode]
VKRA Cave [Easy Mode]
XJPP Cave [Normal Mode]
ZGOM Mountain Forest [Easy Mode]
SONN Mountain Forest [Normal Mode]
AK5O Mountain Sky [Easy Mode]
HH1A Mountain Sky [Normal Mode]
LFB5 Mountainside [Easy Mode]
SAMM Mountainside [Normal Mode]
4WHB Ruins [Easy Mode]
1SEK Ruins [Normal Mode]
G0W4 Skull Mountain [Easy Mode]
B3WH Skull Mountain [Normal Mode]
MIST Temple Roof [Easy Mode]
GN0L The Escape [Normal Mode]
BITP Volcano [Easy Mode]
ERIF Volcano [Normal Mode]

所有密码:美版 (密码为四位,前面的是 EASY ,后面的是 NORMAL ,*号是秘密密码)

NB50* | (none) Music Room *SECRET*
QLXZ | ?2FK Stage 10: Temple
CLZT | GWLH Stage 11: Volcano
J62? | C92K Stage 12: Dark Mountain
40N6* | 8NBX* Stage 13 Boss + max health & potions
DP03 | GPLH Stage 13: North Castle
&&&&* | JR6P Stage 14: Floating Castle part 1
(none) | BN7Z* Stage 15: Floating Castle part 2
(none) | N0QB* Stage 16 Boss + max health & potions
(none) | 0ZZ6* Stage 16: Floating Castle part 3
(none) | ?9MW* Stage 17: Floating Castle part 4
?2KC | 7XGN Stage 1: Ruins
40N7* | K7W6* Stage 1: Ruins + max health & potions
BN&S | KK7B Stage 2: Sky
BCWR* | V5?3* Stage 3: Waterfall
5JSQ | XSRR Stage 4a: Mushroom Cave
NS6K | ZW4& Stage 5: Forest
4RD7* | FWWF* Stage 6: Swamp
1NWB | 3MTT Stage 7: Bubble Cave
PHC& | XBQQ Stage 8: Mountain Base
VM84* | D6HL* Stage 9: Ice Palace

Japan version:

(GEN) Secret passwords :
*BUG PASSWORD* means this pass not meant to be existed even as secret, code replaced by $FF as dummy, wrong password but programm ignores hi bits and uses only 5 low, so we have symbol $1F there, the same as "5". There is more than one "dummy" passwords in table, but matches always very first.

4WHB - Stage 1: Ruins (Easy)
1SEK - Stage 1: Ruins (Normal)
AK5O - Stage 2: Sky (Easy)
HH1A - Stage 2: Sky (Normal)
ABRN - Stage 3: Waterfall (Easy)
QZ4X - Stage 3: Waterfall (Normal)
ZGOM - Stage 4a: Mushroom Cave (Easy)
SONN - Stage 4a: Mushroom Cave (Normal)
KO0H - Stage 5: Forest (Easy)
TRY5 - Stage 5: Forest (Normal)
YNC1 - Stage 6: Swamp (Easy)
DRRD - Stage 6: Swamp (Normal)
VKRA - Stage 7: Bubble Cave (Easy)
XJPP - Stage 7: Bubble Cave (Normal)
LFB5 - Stage 8: Mountain Base (Easy)
SAMM - Stage 8: Mountain Base (Normal)
QJ2Y - Stage 9: Ice Palace (Easy)
C0FI - Stage 9: Ice Palace (Normal)
BITP - Stage 11: Volcano (Easy)
ERIF - Stage 11: Volcano (Normal)
MIST - Stage 10: Temple (Easy)
4WDH - Stage 10: Temple (Normal)
G0W4 - Stage 12: Dark Mountain (Easy)
B3WH - Stage 12: Dark Mountain (Normal)
CLUX - Stage 13: North Castle (Easy)
ELIF - Stage 13: North Castle (Normal)
5555 - Stage 14: Floating Castle part 1 (Easy) *BUG PASSWORD*
GN0L - Stage 14: Floating Castle part 1 (Normal)
AK1T - Stage 15: Floating Castle part 2 (Normal)
UTT0 - Stage 16: Floating Castle part 3 (Normal)
43JR - Stage 17: Floating Castle part 4 (Normal)
YUK0 - Stage 13 Boss + max health & potions (Easy)
2KAS - Stage 13 Boss + max health & potions (Normal)
KUMA - Stage 16 Boss + max health & potions (Normal)
YUK1 - Stage 1: Ruins + max health & potions (Easy)
H1R0 - Stage 1: Ruins + max health & potions (Normal)
KAZU - Music room

US version:

(GEN) Secret passwords :
*BUG PASSWORD* means this pass not meant to be existed even as secret, code replaced by $FF as dummy, wrong password but programm ignores hi bits and uses only 5 low, so we have symbol $1F there, the same as "&". There is more than one "dummy" passwords in table, but matches always very first.
?2KC - Stage 1: Ruins (Easy)
7XGN - Stage 1: Ruins (Normal)
BN&S - Stage 2: Sky (Easy)
KK7B - Stage 2: Sky (Normal)
BCWR - Stage 3: Waterfall (Easy)
V5?3 - Stage 3: Waterfall (Normal)
5JSQ - Stage 4a: Mushroom Cave (Easy)
XSRR - Stage 4a: Mushroom Cave (Normal)
NS6K - Stage 5: Forest (Easy)
ZW4& - Stage 5: Forest (Normal)
4RD7 - Stage 6: Swamp (Easy)
FWWF - Stage 6: Swamp (Normal)
1NWB - Stage 7: Bubble Cave (Easy)
3MTT - Stage 7: Bubble Cave (Normal)
PHC& - Stage 8: Mountain Base (Easy)
XBQQ - Stage 8: Mountain Base (Normal)
VM84 - Stage 9: Ice Palace (Easy)
D6HL - Stage 9: Ice Palace (Normal)
QLXZ - Stage 10: Temple (Easy)
?2FK - Stage 10: Temple (Normal)
CLZT - Stage 11: Volcano (Easy)
GWLH - Stage 11: Volcano (Normal)
J62? - Stage 12: Dark Mountain (Easy)
C92K - Stage 12: Dark Mountain (Normal)
DP03 - Stage 13: North Castle (Easy)
GPLH - Stage 13: North Castle (Normal)
$$$$ - Stage 14: Floating Castle part 1 (Easy) *BUG PASSWORD*
JR6P - Stage 14: Floating Castle part 1 (Normal)
BN7Z - Stage 15: Floating Castle part 2 (Normal)
0ZZ6 - Stage 16: Floating Castle part 3 (Normal)
?9MW - Stage 17: Floating Castle part 4 (Normal)
40N6 - Stage 13 Boss + max health & potions (Easy)
8NBX - Stage 13 Boss + max health & potions (Normal)
N0QB - Stage 16 Boss + max health & potions (Normal)
40N7 - Stage 1: Ruins + max health & potions (Easy)
K7W6 - Stage 1: Ruins + max health & potions (Normal)
NB50 - Music room
